God was not in the fires

 In 1 Kings 19, there’s a story about how Elijah starts running, in fear, from Jezebel. He starts running as hard as he can for 40 days and 40 nights. Then he stops in a cave to seek rest. Angels attend to him, then he moves on. He gets to the mountain of God. For an Old Testament Prophet, the mountain of God is as close to God as you could get outside of the Most Holy Place. 


Imagine if you will, getting there and having an angel say “pay attention to what’s happening.” Then an earthquake happens. Then a Fire that burns up the mountain. Then a strong wind. God didn’t speak through any of that. He didn’t speak in any of that. 


Let’s bring this closer to home. In early 2020, we all saw the events unfold. Chaos, fear, panic, SHAKING EVERYTHING. While it wasn’t a physical earthquake, it was chaos. The natural order of things shook. God wasn’t in that. I watched with disbelief, and in fact anger, as 1 by 1 the leaders in our country began doing something they had never done in my lifetime: Lockdown. Going as far as to say “some things are essential” and some things aren’t. It shook our country and in fact the world to the core. But God wasn’t in that. As of Labor Day 2020, the entire west coast was rocked by a series of fires. But God wasn’t in the fire or the windstorms that hit Washington. 


The land is dry, the hearts of the people are desperate, Are you listening for that still small voice?

Friends God doesn’t jump in your face like a preacher on the street corner. God doesn’t force you into things like a dictatorial Governor, or a power hungry politician. God wants you. He created you for relationship with him! Are you ready to meet Him?


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