Careless words

I did it.

I watched the debates last night. Now I am not a guy who normally likes to watch fights, debates, arguments, etc. In fact, as the expression says, "they set my teeth on edge."

I did it for 2 reasons, one was because my 8-year-old son has taken a passive interest in this election cycle, and the other reason is to see how the two candidates would talk about the issues.

What I want to highlight today though, is not the debates themselves, but the responses I have seen from Christians. 

As this site suggests, I am all about reconciliation. I am of the belief that people will ALWAYS have a chance to come to Jesus and repent. It doesn't matter how many steps you walk away, Jesus is always one step back. So where do we as believers get the right to judge the contents of another person's heart? Where do we get the right to choose what is and isn't just in the eyes of God? Where do we as believers get the right to tell other believers that they are wrong, or even make fun of them for their beliefs? 

Where in the bible does it say "You have the right to tell your brother they are an idiot and to make fun of them for who they are?" It doesn't say that. check. read carefully.

What it does say "if a brother SINS against you, you should go to him and work it out." (Paraphrased from Matthew 18:15) 

It also says "don't judge because you will be judged by the same measure" (paraphrased from Matthew 7:1)

and again "Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge." - JAMES 4:11 ESV


And the one that scares me the most, as it should you, is this verse

"36 You can be sure of this: when the day of judgment comes, everyone will be held accountable for every careless word[z] he has spoken.[aa] 37 Your very words will be used as evidence against you, and your words will declare you either innocent or guilty." - Matthew 12:36,37

Why oh why would you as a believer allow and even encourage someone who says they are a believer spew hatred. Why would you engage in it yourself?

I am not talking about Joe Biden or Donald Trump. I am talking about people that I once counted close friends. I have been silent for too long. Stop it.

With illegal government overreach by state and local municipalities, with a virus that literally no one has an answer to, with fear being as palpable as the smoke we had in the air 2 weeks ago, Christians now more than ever need to be the light. 

If you have spoken ill, as I know I have, ask forgiveness from God. If you have spoken publicly or allowed others to speak on your behalf in a negative manner, stop it. Ask God to forgive you. 

I understand how easy it is to be a part of it, but stop. FORGIVE and you will be forgiven. 


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