
There was a man once.

This man had some of the hardest things imaginable happen to him. He started out from good enough upbringing. His dad and mom really loved him and tried their best to instill good principles. Sure he'd made some mistakes, but who hadn't?


He'd had some brothers that decided one day they'd had enough. They decided to put him into a slave ring. After awhile working for this one guy, the man was falsely accused of sexual misconduct and sent to jail.

While in jail, God still blessed the man. It really doesn't matter what happens in life, if God blesses you, he may not change your outcome, but he may use your outcome to change people.


While in the jail, the president of the country had a couple of things he just couldn't figure out happen to him. He called all his support network, but no one knew what to do to explain what he experienced. Then, someone who's life was changed by the man told the President about the man. The man was called into the president's office, where he explained what was going on.

The man, named Joseph, told the President (Pharaoh), there were going to be 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of a famine that was so complete that it would completely negate the years of plenty.

Joseph went on to tell the Pharaoh that they should store up the food during the times of plenty and use it to keep people alive during famine. Pharaoh was so convinced of what Joseph said, he made Joseph second only to himself in title. Everything he wanted, HE GOT!


One thing God queued me into was in verse 45...

Genesis 41:45
45 Then Pharaoh gave Joseph an Egyptian name, Zaphenath-Paneah (God Speaks and He Lives). He also gave him an Egyptian wife, Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, the priest of On (Heliopolis).

And Joseph took up his duties over the land of Egypt.

The name Pharaoh gave Joseph, Zaphenath-Paneah means God speaks and lives.... Sometimes we get so caught up in what happens in our lives we forget that God speaks and STILL LIVES!



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