
Exodus 1:1-7
These are the names of the Israelites who went to Egypt with Jacob, each bringing his family members: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher. Seventy persons in all generated by Jacob's seed. Joseph was already in Egypt. Then Joseph died, and all his brothers—that whole generation. But the children of Israel kept on reproducing. They were very prolific—a population explosion in their own right—and the land was filled with them.
An idea has been stuck in my craw for the last few weeks. It was stated in passing at church by one of our pastors, but in thinking about it, it makes a TON of sense. The idea was presented: "If you look at Nature, it doesn't just sustain, it flourishes." It was used to talk about how God wants us to be blessed and prosper. Now, I am pondering this and I just happened to read this scripture in Exodus 1: 7 "They were prolific-- a population explosion in their own-- and the land was filled with them." The idea and this verse reminded me of a nature itself. In nature, growth happens via a process called "Photosynthesis" (illustrated here.)
In "Photosynthesis" there are 3 ways that plants gather energy to grow: Carbon dioxide from the air, water and nutrients from the soil, and sun light. If you translate this spiritually, you'll find they line up really well: Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is formed when 2 oxygen atoms and 1 carbon atom bond together. This is one of the major foods that the plant's require to grow. I will liken this to relationship with other people. You will always need relationship with other human beings. To bond together with other humans who share your vision and create a single unit of one mind (a church) should be one of the MAIN ways we as humans grow. The problem is, sometimes we just choose not to take in relationships in the proper amount, or at all, and in the process, we don't absorb what we need to grow! Water and nutrients from the soil: Our roots in Christ have to be deep. That's the only place we will be able to grow in this area. As the roots grow down and out, they absorb water and other nutrients (such as phosphorus) from the soil and it also creates, as a by-product, stability for the plant. In order to flourish as humans, we need to spiritually become rooted and established in Christ. We have to be so deeply rooted that we can find the water of the spirit even when it's deeper into God! My wife had a shirt that illustrates my point: "A girl has to be so in love with God that a guy has to seek HIM to find her." Another major point is not just depth in Christ, but outward spreading.. We need to SHARE our depth with people whether in a devotional, or talking to a friend, or sharing Christ with someone who doesn't know Him, we NEED to spread our roots OUT so that we gain a much needed element... STABILITY. Lastly, "sun light" Plants use sun light as the energy source to this system. Sun light gets absorbed by the plant and it uses that, along with the other two, and it powers the entire process of growth! The best part is, even when there are clouds or obstructions, the plant can continue to grow! Spiritually, that is taking things before God. We have to inject a little "light" to any process, it will fuel our growth in God. There's a verse in John that says, "...evil men loved the darkness for their deeds were evil." Ever notice how when we sin, or make a mistake, our first inclination is to hide it? We often think that if we tell someone, or expose it to the light, God and others will treat us badly. The funny part about that is God already knows everything that you have done and will do... It is no surprise to Him when we do this. The other issue of people treating us badly: Some may, but most actually care enough about you that they want to help. When I was addicted to pornography in junior and senior high school, I never told anyone. When I finally had enough of hiding it, I told my parents. I expected them to tell me how disappointed they were in me and how angry they were.. Much to my surprise, it was the opposite. They told me THEY were sorry. My dad had dealt with it too, and had hidden it from my mom but she found out. They encouraged me to keep pressing into God. That reaction spurred new life in me. It wasn't until several years later that I can now say I am FREE from that sin in my life but I have to keep growing if I am going to keep it away. All these items must be taken in at an ever increasing rate if we are to grow spiritually. It amazes me that flourishing requires all these things and a BYPRODUCT... A byproduct is life for others in the form of oxygen. Selah


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