Though He SLAY me, yet I will HOPE in him.

Job 13
“My eyes have seen all this, my ears have heard and understood it. 2 What you know, I also know; I am not inferior to you. 3 But I desire to speak to the Almighty and to argue my case with God. 4 You, however, smear me with lies; you are worthless physicians, all of you! 5 If only you would be altogether silent! For you, that would be wisdom. 6 Hear now my argument; listen to the pleas of my lips. 7 Will you speak wickedly on God’s behalf? Will you speak deceitfully for him? 8 Will you show him partiality? Will you argue the case for God? 9 Would it turn out well if he examined you? Could you deceive him as you might deceive a mortal? 10 He would surely call you to account if you secretly showed partiality. 11 Would not his splendor terrify you? Would not the dread of him fall on you? 12 Your maxims are proverbs of ashes; your defenses are defenses of clay. 13 “Keep silent and let me speak; then let come to me what may. 14 Why do I put myself in jeopardy and take my life in my hands? 15 Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely[a] defend my ways to his face. 16 Indeed, this will turn out for my deliverance, for no godless person would dare come before him! 17 Listen carefully to what I say; let my words ring in your ears. 18 Now that I have prepared my case, I know I will be vindicated. 19 Can anyone bring charges against me? If so, I will be silent and die. 20 “Only grant me these two things, God, and then I will not hide from you: 21 Withdraw your hand far from me, and stop frightening me with your terrors. 22 Then summon me and I will answer, or let me speak, and you reply to me. 23 How many wrongs and sins have I committed? Show me my offense and my sin. 24 Why do you hide your face and consider me your enemy? 25 Will you torment a windblown leaf? Will you chase after dry chaff? 26 For you write down bitter things against me and make me reap the sins of my youth. 27 You fasten my feet in shackles; you keep close watch on all my paths by putting marks on the soles of my feet. 28 “So man wastes away like something rotten, like a garment eaten by moths.
There's this set of scenes in the movie "The Princess Bride." For those of you who don't know the movie, it is full of action, sword fights, true love, miracles, revenge, and good humor. It is one of my all time favorites. Anyways, the story begins with a semi-fortunate land owner named Buttercup who has a farm-hand named Wesley. Wesley, poor, unassuming, falls in love with Buttercup, but lovingly lets her figure it out and have her space. Eventually, she realizes that she loves him and they spend many days courting, before he realizes that he must be able to support her and so sets off on an epic journey to "earn his fortune." Sometime later, Buttercup is told that Wesley's ship has been captured by the "Dread Pirate Roberts" (who as everyone knows doesn't take prisoners) and Wesley is presumed dead. After grief, she was pressed to marry the prince of the land, because he saw her as the most beautiful woman in the land. Later, she reunites with her true love, Wesley, but he is captured by the prince. Back to the scene. He's been imprisoned, tortured, and left for dead by the jealous prince. "Mostly dead... but slightly alive" and dealing with issues, his true love keeps hope that he will come and save her from having to marry the prince. He doesn't make it in time, but manages to rescue her and find a loophole in the laws that makes her NOT actually married to the prince. There's this one line that encapsulates what I am trying to say...

My Wesley will come

Where am I going with this? I was reminded of a verse on Job. Specifically v.15, The chapter in Job, after Job has lost literally EVERYTHING, he gets some really not so great advice from those he counts as friends, and then from his wife telling him to just skip out on God, and stop hoping, but then he gets to the point of anger with them; but, Job's hope is FIXED on God, he says, "look even if he kills me, I believe and hope in him." This verse got me thinking of that line in the princess bride. Lately, I have been dealing with a lot. Emotionally, physically, spiritually. I have dealt with financial hardship, especially, that has left me asking "GOD, DO YOU NOT SEE THIS? Are you NOT going to step in?" In all honesty, I don't have the hope yet. But I think I am coming around. I hope God gets ahold of you too today in Jesus name.



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