Carrying it further

1 Samuel 18:6-9
6 When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with timbrels and lyres. 7 As they danced, they sang: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” 8 Saul was very angry; this refrain displeased him greatly. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom? ” 9 And from that time on Saul kept a close eye on David.
We talked last time about what true leadership is and how it is not threatened by those who could be successors. Now I want to address those who do succeed someone. At a macro level, I am talking about carrying your ministry farther. To illustrate this I want to share what I have seen and learned first-hand about this. When I was growing up, my dad was the bass guitar player at our church, Puget Sound Christian Fellowship. While I don't remember too much early on, I remember as I got older being super impressed with his walking bass line and his smooth transitions. So much so that I asked him to teach me. He spent probably 20 minutes showing me the basics, giving me the string titles, and showing me his "stuff." I distinctly remember asking him how I play songs, and having him say "well just learn the bass first." That was the only lesson he ever taught me with regards to the bass. Whether I just didn't push it, or didn't ask him, or he just didn't have the time/desire to spend on this with me, I don't know.


I do feel that I could have soaked up so much more from him had he set the proper atmosphere. Like so many other things in my life that took a backseat and other more "fun" things held my interest. As I got older, I saw my dad, week in and out, serving. Out of a desire to serve not only my dad, but the church, I talked my dad into helping me find and buy a bass guitar at sluggo music in Tacoma. I found it! My first bass, it was by a company called Tanara. I loved it! I spent hours in my room with my iPod listening to hillsong united and playing what I could hear. I then bought a practice bass and turned it on and was able to hear what I was playing. God took me on a journey to tune my ears to worship. I have heard lots and lots of worship, I like and love a all of it, but I especially enjoy playing contemporary rock worship. I talked to our worship leader and asked if I could start practicing with the group and with the encouragement of my aunt, who played piano, I was allowed to play the opening songs.

I did this for 1 year

and had no desire to play more than that. One Sunday, right before we were about to step up and start playing the worship set, my pastor comes over to me and says "Sam, I want you to just play the whole service." So I did. From that point on, I was playing instead of my dad. I began digging deeply into the worship that I was playing and just allowing God to play through me. I started playing at our youth service, at other special services, and then when Puget Sound Christian fellowship shut down, I found a church that needed a bassist for their youth service and spent time with them. I had someone this last Saturday tell me that I have grown a lot in the almost 2 years I have been playing at my current church, Overcomer Covenant Church. I have spent countless hours listening to worship music, spending time in God's presence with other worship leaders, listening and learning how to play better and more team oriented. I have played with famous drummers and famous piano players. But one thing God has been showing me recently is that my children will, if I allow them, carry this so much farther than me. In this scripture today, God impressed upon me the idea that Saul was upset because he didn't realize that David would take the nation of Israel from a back-country tribe with a king to one of the most respected Countries today. Then David's son, Solomon, took it to the next level with his wisdom and prosperity. No man has ever had as much wealth or wisdom as Solomon. Worshippers fit into the tribe of Levi, the priests. If God has called you into the worship ministry at your church, you have been anointed into the line of Aaron whose priesthood knew no end. God set apart Aaron and his sons to minister in the temple to God's people. To share GOD'S HEART with the people and to lead the people in devotion, holiness, and worship into God's very throne room. My son Jude, because he is my son, will have the opportunity to serve and take the ministry I am involved in, and his grandfather has been involved in to the next level. God has impressed upon me the need to set the atmosphere and make sacrifices like the Aaronic priests did on a continual basis. My life has to be a continuous, living and breathing sacrifice unto the Lord. I have to set the atmosphere for Jude to take and run with. If I don't, or he chooses not to accept that gifting, all that I have worked for, all that God has done in me will die with me. My descendents will carry on this battle when I pass into God's presence in heaven. Solomon had the same opportunity to set the atmosphere for his sons and daughters. But he did not. He chose to indulge in physical pleasures and distractions instead of being that continual sacrifice. For my son, and any other children of mine, to carry my ministry further, I have to make sure that they have a strong foundation and platform at the level that I am at and teach them to grow daily in the admonition and wisdom of the Lord. Selah


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