Worship changes everything.

1 Samuel 16:14-23
David—An Excellent Musician 14 At that very moment the Spirit of God left Saul and in its place a black mood sent by God settled on him. He was terrified. 15-16 Saul's advisors said, "This awful tormenting depression from God is making your life miserable. O Master, let us help. Let us look for someone who can play the harp. When the black mood from God moves in, he'll play his music and you'll feel better." 17 Saul told his servants, "Go ahead. Find me someone who can play well and bring him to me." 18 One of the young men spoke up, "I know someone. I've seen him myself: the son of Jesse of Bethlehem, an excellent musician. He's also courageous, of age, well-spoken, and good-looking. And God is with him." 19 So Saul sent messengers to Jesse requesting, "Send your son David to me, the one who tends the sheep." 20-21 Jesse took a donkey, loaded it with a couple of loaves of bread, a flask of wine, and a young goat, and sent his son David with it to Saul. David came to Saul and stood before him. Saul liked him immediately and made him his right-hand man. 22 Saul sent word back to Jesse: "Thank you. David will stay here. He's just the one I was looking for. I'm very impressed by him." 23 After that, whenever the bad depression from God tormented Saul, David got out his harp and played. That would calm Saul down, and he would feel better as the moodiness lifted.
Today we continue our look at David's introduction to ministry as the King. I want to really dig deep today and share what God is trying to tell us through this scripture today. Bear in mind: God uses the living scripture to illustrate different things at different times. We could read this scripture 1x a day every day and we might get different things every time we read it.

there's something about worship...

Did you ever notice? Did you ever consider that GOD may be just as moved in the worship as we get when we see a stirring scene? Imagine this with me. God, wanting and craving relationship with us. Waiting for anything that gives Him an excuse to move in and help. His presence broods over us as we worship. As I have shared many times, worship is not just the corporate gathering times we call church. It is not simply singing songs, it is the collision of the natural with the supernatural. Our voices mingle with the instruments that lead us and parade before the throne room of God as a fragrant offering.


Taking a deeper dive into the scripture. Saul having lost his kingship also loses all that the Holy Spirit was giving to him too. The bible makes it clear that the Holy Spirit

left him

double quick. There is an interesting thought that God is sharing with me. When we ask the Holy Spirit to come into our lives, or God allows Him to flow over us, as He did in the Old Testament, from that point on there is direct connection. We are


linked. Bonded for life, just like a married couple. The only way the Holy Spirit will ever depart from us is if we blaspheme Him. For so long that has been misunderstood, but I think what that means is that we cheat on the Holy Spirit with our attitude/action/heart. The Holy Spirit is




of God's presence in our lives. If Jesus is to be our bridegroom, and we his bride, it is tan-amount to a wife cheating on her husband. How would you feel knowing your spouse cheated? The Holy Spirit left Saul. While most would feel empty, Saul did not have a chance to notice. God chose to send depression into Saul's life to consume him. Selah Where does worship come into the picture? Why the title? Why talk about it? Simply this reason. David's





changed the atmosphere wherever He was!


Even though Saul had a depression sent by God, David's WORSHIP of God in Saul's presence changed the atmosphere enough to make the depression go running. Make no mistake, it was NOT because of Saul that the depression left when David sang,

it was because of DAVID!

Does your worship change the atmosphere? Does your worship change the atmosphere? Does your worship change the atmosphere? SELAH!


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