Soothing sound of the voice of God

It's been awhile since I have blogged. In that time, my wife and I had our first child, a son! His name is Jude Daniel. He is adorable and I will post a picture at the end of this blog. You always hear "I learned so much from my kids," the funny part of that statement is that my lesson started the first night we had Jude.

As a nurse came in to check on him, she was talking to us about the differences between a mother and father's voice. Mother's voice is a stimulant and father's voice is soothing.

When we think of God, we tend to think of Him as a father correct? In fact, Galatians says that because we have a spirit of "sonship" we can call out "Abba father" Abba is a personal term of endearment. It is not used by anyone off the street.

Over the last 2 weeks, I have pondered that statement. I have been thinking about the last time I heard God's voice. When I heard it, it soothed and settled me. It also reminded me of a story I heard a few years ago about a man who died and went to heaven and experienced the Judgement of God. He was so convinced that He was a righteous man that when God judged him, he was speechless. He described how God laid out everything he had ever done, shown him every lie he had ever told, described in full detail every major flaw in his character that he had not given to God to work out. The man said that while God did that, His voice was kind, like that of a Father who even though all the charges were out in the open, loved unceasingly. He told of how God's voice, even though he was trying to justify his actions, calmed his need to explain. As with all these experiences, God sent the man back to earth and he was given another chance to change his life. Whether dream or no, the man said what I now know to be true: God's voice is soothing.


When was the last time you felt caught up in trials and struggles? When was the last time you felt like you had no other choice BUT to hear from God? When was the last time you felt like you were never going to get to where you knew God wanted you to be?

When was the last time, in the midst of all that, instead of crying out, you stayed still and listened?

I encourage you, no matter what problem you are facing, take some time today, and every day, to listen to Abba Father. He will soothe you with the sound of his voice. Don't mistake me, His words may not be what you want to hear. The words "wait," or "Not yet" are never what we want, but the sound alone is what soothes us despite all the trials.



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