Ever have one of those days?!?

You know the days I am talking about, those days you just fail! Now I unlike most of you, probably have done it multiple times a day in multiple different ways. I opened my mouth and promptly put my foot in it... But what am I talking about! You probably have never done that right? Before you unsubscribe, and unfriend me on Facebook, hear me out. God does have a point to make in this... and in fact, it's probably not the same point you may be thinking.

I have a friend, who I related some news to. Now the news was intended to be good news, but in the process, I completely screwed up how I was conveying it. That's a good reason why digital space is so difficult, you can't really tell the intention of someone unless it is overly obvious. So back to my story. I was thinking the person would be happy, but because of the way I said what I was relating to them, they misunderstood and actually called me to the carpet (in love... I don't believe this person could act in any other way.)

STOP RIGHT HERE... From here we have 2 ways we could go.

1 way is to break all ties, go hide and not deal with it. I learned from experience that this is NOT the right way to do it.

the 2nd way is to just deal with it. It's true that this way is harder. But in the long run, it ends up working out for the better. Also, when you speak to someone face to face and deal with it, it injects a little humility into the situation (if we allow it.)

In honor of my major fail, please enjoy these fails for the month of September:


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