God's Chiropractic Services

SO its been awhile since I blogged so I want to add a new blog and give you some updates on me.
My progress for reading through the bible, I finished the new testament and now I am in Psalms. So here goes.

But God hasn't moved to the mountains;
his holy address hasn't changed.
He's in charge, as always, his eyes
taking everything in, his eyelids
Unblinking, examining Adam's unruly brood
inside and out, not missing a thing.
He tests the good and the bad alike;
if anyone cheats, God's outraged.
Fail the test and you're out,
out in a hail of firestones,
Drinking from a canteen
filled with hot desert wind.
7 God's business is putting things right;
he loves getting the lines straight,
Setting us straight. Once we're standing tall,
we can look him straight in the eye.
Psalm 11:4-7

This Psalm David reminds us that God's business is putting things right. It's pretty incredible, because David sets up this idea that God is like a Chiropractor. Did you know that each day, your spine compacts by an average of 1/16th of an inch? It is caused by walking, sitting, doing normal activities in short. In Verse 7, it talks about "Setting us straight" and once we are "standing tall" we can see God face to face.

It hurts to be adjusted sometimes, especially if you haven't ever been adjusted. But did you ever notice how the more frequently we get adjusted the less it hurts? And did you ever notice how when you are adjusted frequently you notice when you are not adjusted properly?

Life with God is like that. When we are constantly allowing God to adjust us (called discipline), its the same thing, its hard at first, but when we allow God to do it more often it becomes easier. And after awhile, we start to notice when we are out of adjustment and we can go for adjustment.


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