Acts 5:12-16

So reading through Acts 5 there's a cool scripture.

Acts 5:12-16 the msg

12-16Through the work of the apostles, many God-signs were set up among the people, many wonderful things done. They all met regularly and in remarkable harmony on the Temple porch named after Solomon. But even though people admired them a lot, outsiders were wary about joining them. On the other hand, those who put their trust in the Master were added right and left, men and women both. They even carried the sick out into the streets and laid them on stretchers and bedrolls, hoping they would be touched by Peter's shadow when he walked by. They came from the villages surrounding Jerusalem, throngs of them, bringing the sick and bedeviled. And they all were healed.

So this scripture talks about the apostles and how they were performing many miracles, meeting regularly and the interesting part to me was that they met at what the NIV calls "Solomon's colonnade." The Message calls it "Solomon's porch. I looked it up and found this from

Attached to the original temple of Solomon was "the porch of judgement" where king Solomon had constructed a large hall 50 cubits long and 30 cubits wide because of the enormous porch in front. Originally there was cedar from floor to ceiling. This was the hall of judgement where the king would make judgements and exercise justice.

The "porch" or "portico" was located on the east side of the outer court of the New Testament temple of Herod, and it rested on a massive Herodian retaining wall (which incidently can still be seen in part at the present Temple wall area). The wall that supported it was 400 cubits high resting in the valley below and made of marvelous stones.

According to Josephus this was the area of the original temple that survived and was still standing in Jesus' day probably because of its immense size and beauty the Chaldeans left it standing. Its immenseness presented a marvelous appearance. Josephus says, "Its fineness, to such as had not seen it, was incredible; and to such as had seen it was greatly amazing."

It was in these cloisters that the Levites resided and it was here that the doctors of the law met to hear and answer questions.

The porch of Solomon was no doubt a special place for Jesus. It was here that Jesus was seen often, speaking and teaching the people or just walking, as in John 10 during the festival of "lamps" or chanukkah, which commemorates the re-dedication of the temple and of God to His people. Later, after His death his disciples gathered here often.

So why would Luke, the writer of Acts, mention it? It is my belief that it was just where they met, but the Bible says that no one messed with them during this time. In Fact, the Message bible says, that it was in "remarkable harmony" that they met on the porch.

This got me thinking. The website explaining about the porch says that the king would make judgments and justice. If you transform that to the new covenant, where Jesus is the King, this kind of tells me two things...

1. the fact that they were enjoying "harmony" (as the message puts) it tells me that where God's people are, the only judgment should be from the King, not from the people. When we judge each other, we are taking JESUS's rightful place. When we judge each other there is confusion, and discord. John 5:22 says, "Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son." We cannot make judgment and live in harmony with God or other people, we have to let Jesus judge people.
2. this tells me also that when God's people live together, meet together, and are unified, God's presences shows up in a big way. Psalms 133:1-3 "1 How good and pleasant it is
when brothers live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron's beard,
down upon the collar of his robes.

3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the LORD bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore"

God bestows blessing, life, and his love when God's people live in JUDGMENT FREE UNITY!



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