1 down, a squillion to go!

I was listening to Ed Young yesterday and he said, "How often do you share your vision? Do you say it, spray it, teach it, preach it? Have you said it a squillion times?"

I feel its time to re-share the vision God gave me. If you are reading this and you feel like God is telling you the same, gimme a call :).

This is the best way to share it, so bear with me:

"It's dark now, cold, still, and dark. Although the air is cold and still, there is an electric buzz that seems to permeate the darkness. As I move, I can see my breath coming out in anxious gasps. This is the moment I have been waiting for since I was a teenager. I look out and see thousands. I know every one of them. I have served everyone of them, and now, standing in front of them I know I am about to fulfill the plan of God. I walk into the crowd, randomly checking armor. Then, hearing God's voice clearly, I walk to the front and I say, 'Son's of the king, the time has come.' They understand, they begin to walk in step with me, heading towards the city. As we walk God pulls me out to see the vastness of the people who are following me. But the thing is, they were won over with Love.

God help me to live this, please show me where I need to trim the fat.


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