My daddy

In this world where so many are fatherless, many are frustrated and angry at their fathers, I want to take a few moments to talk about my dad. My dad was a fighter! When I say fighter I don't mean that he fought for money, or was in the Army. What I mean is that my dad fought many problems. He fought long days to provide for our family, he fought the attitudes my siblings and myself had towards him. He fought rejection, he fought loss, he fought being without a job, he fought the end of our church, he fought so much. It would be easy to look back at one of those areas and say, "Dad you didn't do enough!" It would be easy to look back at the long days he spent trying to provide for us away from us; a task that I cannot fathom at the present.
Why do I bring this up? Why did I talk about him? The biggest reason is that today he embarks on perhaps the biggest journey of his life. He leaves for a 6 month job. A job that will take him THOUSANDS of miles away from his wife, his kids, and his friends. He leaves to support his family and sacrifices everything to get a job. God has blessed him with a huge opportunity, but also a huge challenge. Being in a completely hostile spiritual environment, half the world away is not an easy thing to do.
I know my dad wasn't perfect, I know that he was away long hours, but I also know that my dad is the best possible dad he could have been! He is my daddy, and he did the best he could. So as he goes, I pray that God would continue to reveal himself to my daddy, that God would shake up and change up my daddy, that God would be more real in my daddy's life, and that when he gets back, he would be the man God has planned no more or less.

I love you daddy! I will miss you every day!


  1. Waking up early in the mornings, you could always find him knelt before the couch with his old red and green afghan over his shoulders, praying. If you never got up early, you'd never know it happened...but every morning, he was up, praying, faithful in the still of the mornings before he left for work. We never wanted for anything. He provided for us, and I'm thankful that he loved us enough to do this. I'm teaching my kids the "I'm so Happy" song we used to sing on the way to church and have started reading Bible stories to them before bed - just like Dad did for us.

  2. I am going to do the same... Love Dad so much...


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