
Showing posts from July, 2018

saving money, saving sanity.

My wife is one who loves to save money. I am a spender. Naturally, we clash on a lot of points in life, but one thing she got me hooked on is debt freedom. Biblically, I can point to many different points in the bible where it talks about being wise with money, being good stewards, and giving. But what about debt? There's a fun little verse in Romans where the writer says "let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another." (13:8). Immediately, my mind goes to forgiveness, but just after that God seems to have reminded me that we need to work on being as debt-free as possible. Now as a young couple, we had a few. Nowadays I think it is much easier to get into debt for longer periods of time. A car, a house, student-loans; shoot, you can even get into debt at Walmart, Target, or Verizon. The idea that you pay cash and buy something outright has gone out the window on many conventional things! So much so that people started demanding that...